1. The Needle Moves Away From Schools Some More (Richardson)- what messages do we want to send home to parents
In our “Welcome Back!” letters this fall, what if we hammered home the
idea that command of facts and figures and knowledge and test scores
tell us very little any more as to whether or not their children have
the literacies and dispositions to flourish in this “new” world of
2. Post-Its... Real World Motivators- what types of questions are being considered in the classroom; those that are Googleable or Not Googleable?
Student write boundless questions about what they wanted
to know about iconography and religious art. Those students that don’t
usually contribute were happy to fill many post-its, as the list were
anonyms. Students were motivated by the post-its…it became a competition
as to how many questions could be asked. Spelling, punctuation was
overlooked for quality concepts in questions.
3. Education: The Past, The Present and The Future #2 (White)- discusses the new pillars of education and existing in a world where expertise is abundant
and in Pillar 3, Assessment, the Pillar is actually Doing–using
what you know and what you can learn from the Internet, your network
and local and global resources to mix, remix, create content and do
something that adds value to our world.
4. A Public School Teacher and Student Discuss Democratic Education (Cooperative Catalyst):
The days of childhood to explore and learn about the wonder of the world
and to see how wonderfully you could fit into it are replaced with
school, where learning about the world becomes a burden and where you’re
told where you fit into the world. When you’re fifteen, you’re legally
stuck in the 9th grade while at the same age, Ben Franklin, for example,
was already apprenticing for his brother’s newspaper. The brightest
kids of our nation, the would-be Benjamin Franklins, are having their
potential strangled by the state, who is setting their goals for them.
5. How to Use Video Game Tactics in the Classroom (Andersen)