Friday, May 30, 2014

Look Up

In regards to what is shared below, as educators, we are challenged to manage or better mentor students when it comes to technology.  In a curriculum evaluation session with teachers today we discussed the idea of establishing as a department goal, the need to create classrooms where a sense of wonder exists- where students stop and think about the world around them and wonder about what they observe.  I see a connection with this article.  While the ability to connect in and out of the classroom is important, it is also vital to have our student think about the things they notice.

Look Up. Effective technology use is knowing as much when to drop it, as to use it.
"Where we leave out all the bad bits, show no emotion…" A poem about real world empathy, being in the present, shutting down that screen... after you've watched it on YouTube, of course.
The point made here, though, is an interesting one when we reflect on the design thinking process and why it seems so powerful for learning, and is clearly distanced from "innovative technology use" when we see it used in schools. If anything, the key parts in the process - defining and reframing problems, ideating solutions to them, and soliciting and acting upon feedback, have nothing to do with a screen. There's great design research showing, too, that technology has failed to step up yet to the complexities of the real world thinking that our brains go through when trying to make sense of complex information in order to define a problem, or ideate a solution (e.g., Dorta, T., Pérez, E. and Lesage, A. (2008) - The Ideation Gap).
So, yes: look up, don't let the world pass by. Observe it, note the normal, embrace the differences and happenstance, create something new with someone else.

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